Thursday, January 2, 2020

Week of January 6th

Important Dates
- MLK Day No School - 1/20
- Winter Break 2/17-2/21 
- Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night 5-8 pm 2/27

This week in Mrs. Plante's Math....
We are continuing with Unit 4 with a focus on multiplication and division of fractions. For multiplication we will multiply fractions x fractions, fractions x whole numbers, and mixed numbers x mixed numbers. For division we will only divide fractions by whole numbers or whole numbers by unit fractions. We do not divide fractions by fractions. 
Here is the parent letter from the Department of Education explaining what your student will be learning. 
Here is a video showing multiplication of fraction X fraction using an area model. 
Here is a video showing the algorithm of mixed number x fraction. 
Here is a video showing a fraction divided by a whole number.
Here is a video showing a whole number divided by a unit fraction. 

*** Starting this week during morning work (Tuesday-Thursday from 7:20-8:00 am until further notice) the students can come to my room and reassess any math standard they received a 1 or 2 in via Quizizz. Please review their report card with them, so they know what standards they need to reassess. ***

Videos from Unit 4:

Videos from Unit 3
HERE is a video multiplying decimals using an area model.
HERE is a video multiplying large decimals using the standard algorithm. 
HERE is a video dividing decimals by whole number using a model. 

HERE is a video explaining multiplication and division with Powers of 10.  
HERE is a video explaining the Order of Operations

This week in Mrs. Allen's Class....
Welcome back from a lovely holiday. We are being our active read aloud called The Flu of 1918: "Not the Normal Flu" by Jessica Rudolph. 
Each night your student will have Daily Oral Language for homework. We will check them each day in class and each Friday they will be assessed. Please encourage your students to complete homework each night. 

In Social Studies:
We are being our unit on the Cold War. 
SS5H5 Discuss the origins and consequences of the Cold War. 
a. Explain the origin and meaning of the term “Iron Curtain.” 
b. Explain how the United States sought to stop the spread of communism through the Berlin airlift, the Korean War, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 
c. Identify Joseph McCarthy and Nikita Khrushchev. 
d. Discuss the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War. 

Words to know: capitalism, market economy, communism, arms race, nuclear war, anti-communism 

HERE is a great site to check out more information on our current unit.

This week in Mr. Brumbelow's Class....

We will begin reading our newest fiction text, Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis. We will be reading Chapters 1-7 this week. Our spelling words are listed below. Our spelling test will be given on Thursday 1/9/20, so please make sure your child has studied the words below. They should have also received a paper copy of this list from me.

Week 19 - Bud, Not Buddy

De · pres · sion (open, closed, suffix) is noun that means a time when the economy is very weak. In a depression there are few jobs and families have very little money. There was a Great Depression that started in 1929 in the US, and several smaller ones since then. You can see that the word depressed, which means very sad, is related.

Com · mence (closed, closed) is a verb that means to start. You could commence a new school year with a great attitude. A commencement is a graduation from school, where people are starting a new life. Commencement is the noun form.

Pro · voked (open, VCe) is a verb that means caused to do something. You could provoke someone to hit you by teasing him. You would be provoking. The noun form is provocation.

Tol · er · ate (closed, r-controlled, VCe) is a verb that means to allow. I will tolerate only kind behavior. I will not tolerate bullying in this classroom. If you don’t follow our class rules, you will be testing my toleranceTolerance is the noun form.

Ter · rif · ied (closed, closed, vowel team) is a verb or an adjective that means really, really scared. If I saw a vampire bat, I would be terrified. The bat would terrify me. You can see that this word is related to the noun terror.

Re · venge (open, closed) is a noun that means getting back at someone because he or she did something bad to you. If your sister was mean to you and you played a trick on her, you would be getting revengeRevenge is an antonym for forgiveness.
We will also continue our NBI groups, System 44, and Read 180. For the students that remain in my classroom during this segment, we will be transitioning to a non fiction text for this NBI cycle.

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