Friday, August 2, 2019

Week of August 5th

Important Dates

8/20 Picture Day

9/10 PTA Jump-It's Night
9/23-9/27 Fall Break

This week in Math....
We are collecting data to properly assess your students math abilities. We will be taking the Math Inventory, multiplication timed test, and a baseline for all operations.

This week in Writing...
We will begin learning to evaluate narrative writing and writing personal narratives. 

This week in Social Studies...We will begin learning about the the turn of the century. An assessment will be given on August 16th.
Standard: SS5H1 Describe how life changed in America at the turn of the century. 
a. Describe the role of the cattle trails in the late 19th century; include the Black Cowboys of Texas, the Great Western Cattle Trail, and the Chisholm Trail. 
b. Describe the impact on American life of the Wright brothers (flight), George Washington Carver (science), Alexander Graham Bell (communication), and Thomas Edison (electricity). 
c. Explain how William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt expanded America’s role in the world; include the Spanish-American War and the building of the Panama Canal. 
d. Describe the reasons people immigrated to the United States, from where they emigrated, and where they settled.

This week in Reading...

We will begin reading our first Shared Reading book of the year, Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. We will be keeping track of all our story elements as we progress through the book. We will begin with vocabulary work, read chorally as a class, and then partner reread to ensure comprehension. Students will use their reading notebooks to write their own super sentences using our new vocabulary words. Students will also be answering a written response to the text in their reading notebooks. 

We will also be taking the Reading Inventory (RI) sometime this week. This score will give us an indication as to where your child's reading comprehension level may be. 

Students will be given a list of vocabulary words for this week. I will also post a snip it of the words with definitions below. As of now they will test over the spelling and definitions of these words on Monday 8/12 but this is subject to change depending on our schedule. 

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